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Injuries can happen anytime, anywhere and sometimes we are unsure of the cause. In this Washington Post article, Michael Raizman was hospitalized suddenly after he felt pain in his arm caused by what he thought was a strain in his muscle after a fun-filled weekend. After eight days and four procedures later, the cause of this pain was determined. Raizman had been showing signs of acute compartment syndrome which occurs when pressure inside the muscles build up and cut off blood flow to the affected limb.

Injuries can happen while we are unaware of it, like in Raizman’s case. His doctors implied that the muscle damage to his arm originated from overexerting himself while playing golf. Since the pressure in his arm was high, a procedure was done by a plastic surgeon to decrease swelling and ultimately save his arm. It turns out that Raizman was also suffering from necrotizing fasciitis, which was caused by Group A strep. The infection had spread to the injury and added to this horrifying experience.

            The physicians of LIPSG are highly experienced in treating conditions related to the skin, bones, tendons, nerves, and other soft tissues. If you are concerned about any hand or arm conditions, learn more here.

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